Welcome to the website of the Agency for the Audit of EU Accredited Assistances Programmes (AA)!

The purpose of this website is to inform public with information and data of Albanian AA. The Albanian AA was created on 2009 by Council Ministers Decision no 1020 date 14.10.2009. All the duties and responsibilities for AA derive form IPA I and IPA II EC regulations,...

On 24-25 October 2017 Albanian Audit Authority officials

On 24-25 October 2017 Albanian Audit Authority officials participated on TAIEX Multi-Country Workshop on IPA II challenges and strengthening the audit authorities' network, in Skopje, FYROM. The workshop was organized in cooperation with DG NEAR and the Audit...

Seminar for IPA Audit Authorities, Zagreb, Croatia 29-31 May 2018



Mission of the Audit Authority is verification of the effectiveness and sound functioning of management and control systems of EU Funds in Albania and compliance with the respective EU and national rules to ensure legality and regularity of the transactions.



Our vision is to promote effective management, accountability and transparency in using the EU funds in Albania aiming to protect national and EU interests.

Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance (IPA)

The Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance (IPA) is EU funded instrument for Western Balkan Countries. IPA aims to support candidate countries and potential candidates in implementing the political, institutional, legal, administrative, social and economic reforms required to bring the countries closer to EU.

EU Funds

The Instrument for Pre–accession Assistance (IPA) is EU funded instrument for Western Balkan Countries. IPA aims to support candidate countries and potential candidates in implementing the political, institutional, legal, administrative, social and economic reforms required to bring the countries closer to EU.